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All You Need To Know About Starting Your Bathroom Remodeling Project This Fall

All You Need To Know About Starting Your Bathroom Remodeling Project This Fall

If you are thinking of upgrading your bathroom, this may be a very good time for it. A bathroom remodeling project can be just the thing your home needed. It can freshen up the look and make the space more comfortable than it ever was before.

Reasons Why People Remodel Their Bathrooms

Are you wondering whether there are really good reasons why the bathrooms need remodeling once in a while? Well, there are several!

It Is Outdated

This is the No. 1 reason why people look for bathroom sinks in West Vancouver. It is not easy to have a bathroom that has been past its sell-by date for a long time. If looking at other people’s bathrooms makes you feel envious because of the modern designs and fixtures, it may be time to give yours a much-needed update.
An outdated bathroom may also make you feel discontent because of the simple reason that it is the first place you head to after getting up from bed. You may also feel uncomfortable letting guests use it because of the outdated design. Modern bathroom fixtures in West Vancouver can thus be a fantastic idea.

Your Family Is Growing

A growing family has different needs. If yours is such, and you always feel the need for a bigger more modern bathroom, then a remodel project may just be the thing you need. For instance, if your children are small, a little tub to suit them and their needs can be an excellent addition. You may also need better bathroom faucets in West Vancouver for them.
Not just children, an upgrade may also be necessary if there are aged people in your home and you want them to use the bathroom safely. Their needs will be different from those of the average person

Increase The Aesthetic Value

For people who love spending time in the bathtub, a remodeling that makes the space more aesthetically appealing can be just the idea. In fact, you may already have remodeled other parts of the house! Shouldn’t the bathrooms get the same treatment as well?

Increase The Resale Value

No matter how well your house has been constructed, it will have wear and tear with time. This is only normal. The condition of the bathroom is a dead giveaway that real estate agents and potential buyers always check. This is because this space gives away the wear and tear of a house very easily because of the moisture content prevalent.
If you are planning to sell your house shortly, the bathroom sinks in West Vancouver for a remodeling project can be a great way of increasing its resale value. An upgrade will help you fetch a higher price for the house.

To Up The Safety

If bathrooms are not maintained properly they can become a safety hazard. For instance, the tiles may be slippery and can cause slips and falls, especially if there are aged people or children in the house. If you feel that the safety is not up to the mark, remodeling can be a great idea.

Improve Efficiency

If your home in Vancouver is more than 20 years old, then your bathroom may not be as energy efficient as you may want it to be. This is because when it was built, construction did not pay as much attention to energy efficiency or even sustainability. For example, buying new and more energy-efficient bathroom faucets in West Vancouver can help you save a lot of water as a family.
It will also let you change fixtures and accessories that cause higher utility bills.

An Added Layer Of protection

The world is going through an unprecedented time because of the pandemic and if you are like most, you are worried about infections and germs. If your bathroom is a den for moss, fungus, and bacteria, it can cause infections and illnesses. Remodeling can be a step in the right direction.

Fall: A Great Season For Bathroom Remodeling

This is the season for cozy and as temperatures start going down, it is the perfect time to make your home a cozier place to welcome the winters. The season is great for a remodeling project because it is slower and calmer. What’s more, you may also be able to take advantage of the drop in prices.
You will also find that installing bathroom sinks in West Vancouver is easier during this season because contractors are not as busy as during other times of the year. You can get your project done in less time because scheduling to have work done is a lot less stressful.
Winter is a time when people naturally gravitate indoors. That is why now is a great time to make your bathroom an oasis of comfort and cozy

A Guide For Your Bathroom Remodeling project

Now that you have decided to go for it, it is time to start planning and doing things.

1. Set A Budget

This is perhaps the most important step. You need to have a budget and stick to it. If you do not do this in the beginning, it will be easy to go over budget and cause financial stress. Bathroom fixtures in West Vancouver can be as inexpensive or as expensive as you want them to be, so having a budget will help you.
It is also a good idea to make sure there is a 10-15% cushion of additional expenses you may have to encounter which gives you space to deal with unexpected problems.

2. An Aesthetic Style

Choosing an aesthetic style is so important. Buying a new sink or a new faucet is not something to take lightly. They should be something that adheres to your overall aesthetic sense. For example, a minimalist stainless steel look may be your preference. This means that fixtures should be of the same color and style.
It is great fun to go through online blogs and housekeeping magazines to find out a color palette or a style that suits you.

3. Buying Products

The next step for your remodeling project will be to buy the products you require

  • Faucets: Faucets can be for the bathtub, the shower, or the sink. There are so many beautiful choices available at GR Marine that you will be spoilt for choice. It is a smart idea to choose similar faucets for the same bathroom. This will keep the look congruent to each other.
  • Sinks: If you have planned to replace the bathroom sink, then you can choose from wall-mounted ones or other styles. There will be different shades and colors to choose from as well.
  • Showers And Bathtubs: Taking off the ones you have and installing them with modern fixtures can be a part of your remodeling project. There are so many modern shower fixtures with fun elements available today. Bathtubs too can be a space that brings contentedness and choosing one well can enhance your whole area.

Removal Of Old Fixtures

If you want to do the demolition work yourself, you may be saving yourself some money. But the work can get messy. A professional may be a better choice for this task.

1. Installation Of New Fixtures

The next thing to do is to get the installation of new fixtures done. This too can either be done by a professional or by you. It is important to note here that sinks, faucets, and other bathroom fixtures in West Vancouver are best installed by professionals who know what they are doing.
This will ensure that the products each work exactly as they are meant to

2. A New Paint Job

This can work wonders for your bathroom. It will not cost a lot but it can lift the space a lot.

3. A Good Vanity

The vanity is integral to any bathroom and it should be a storage space that takes care of all your storage needs. The finish and design should be such that it matches the decorating style you chose

4. Pay Proper Attention To Lighting

Lighting is critical to how your bathroom looks. If you want a cozy space then it is critical to choose appropriate lighting. If you know guests will be using the bathroom, then make sure the lighting is bright enough

A Few Mistakes To Avoid

  • It is in your best interests to choose bathroom fixtures that are of high quality. For this, you need to select a good brand that has the reputation for long-lasting products
  • If you plan to change the plumbing, decide on what you will do before you look at other facets of the remodeling.

To conclude

Whether it is bathroom faucets in West Vancouver or sinks you need, a reputed seller like GR Marine Bath Gallery can be the best option. They have everything you will need for your bathroom remodeling project and they can help you make your choices as well. Start your remodeling project on the right footing and see the difference it makes to the space.