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FILO BLANCO | west Vancouver bc Canada - Grmarine


The BLANCO FILO is an elegant kitchen mixer tape that is great for combining with smaller sinks thanks to its compact dimensions. Its high, arched outlet also provides a high degree of convenience, allowing you to fill large pots and vases with ease. With our BLANCO FILO-S model, you also benefit from the pull-out mousseur spray, which has an exceptionally fine stream thanks to the integrated filter. This prevents water from splashing out when you're cleaning fruit, vegetables or the sink itself. The dual-colour BLANCO FILO model is particular visually striking and can be colour-matched exactly to SILGRANIT bowls. Chrome and brushed stainless steel versions are also available for pairing with classic stainless steel sinks. BLANCO FILO thus blends in beautifully with the overall look of your kitchen. There is also a degree of flexibility when it comes to attaching the lever: it can go on the left, right or in the middle.
